Dr. Vernon Louis Falls is the Founder and President of Lifeline International Ministries. He started his ministry at the age of 30 and has travelled over 100 nations of the world. He is an Apostle of Jesus Christ, a Prophet and an Evangelist, and he is also a Teachers’ Teacher and a Pastors’ Pastor. He has been a tremendous blessing to the Body of Christ.

He knew the Call of God upon his life the day he was saved and was filled with the Holy Spirit. Visions of tongues of fire came upon him from heaven and he started to speak in tongues for the first time.

He attended various Bible Schools and obtained a Doctorate of Divinity. (He also has a secular PhD.) He started serving the Lord while he was still attending the Bible Schools. He served in churches and ministries.

The Bible says, “Do not despise the small beginnings.” It was indeed small beginnings for Pastor Vernon when he started his own Bible Study and Church in his own house.

Later, he started weekly Bible Studies, Prayer Meetings, Prayer Advances and Church services. He flows with the spontaneity of the Holy Spirit.

As time went by, Pastor Vernon started to hold Miracle Healing meetings and also establish Schools of Ministry in English and Spanish. He also started to travel to the nations to minister. During that time, he opened his School of Ministry to overseas students. He housed them, fed them, taught and trained them.

One day, he received a Macedonian call to go to South East Asia. He heeded that call and he came to Singapore and Malaysia, eventually settling in Malaysia. Pastor Vernon also established his Schools of Ministry in Malaysia and in Singapore. Although many courses were taught, Deeper Life Seminars became the fundamental course mainly because individuals’ lives were transformed. They became overcomers, healed physically and emotionally, walked above circumstances, increased in faith and in the love for the Lord and His Word, and they began to reach out and bringing many others to Christ.

From his School of Ministry in the United States, Deeper Life Seminars in Singapore and Malaysia, and various other teachings in different countries across the globe, countless number of believers have been and still are taught, trained and established around the world! Many ministers were and still are been birthed through his ministry. Many of them have planted churches and established their own ministries. All glory to Jesus!

Through evangelistic meetings in numerous countries, he and his wife have harvested hundreds of thousands of souls for the kingdom of God.

Whether the meeting is big or small Pastor Vernon always gives opportunity for the people to receive Jesus and to be filled with the Holy Spirit.

Pastor Vernon always inspires and motivates his students to go out and win souls for the Lord. He trains them on the “How To’s” and sends them out. Numerous souls have come into the kingdom through this way.

Soul wining is his ministry’s main thrust.

God has done and is still doing mighty signs, wonders and miracles through this precious servant of His. Together with his wife, Pastor Margareth, Pastor Vernon travels to many nations of the world to minister.

The miracles and healings are countless. Hundreds of thousands of people healed, delivered and set free.

The blind saw, the deaf heard, the crippled walked, people were raised from the point of death, creative miracles took place, cancers vanished, demon possessed were set free by the power in the name of Jesus, and this list can go on and on.

Pastor Vernon and his wife always minister with the compassion of God. People always feel the tangible love and compassion of God in their meetings. They regard it be a great honour to be the extended hands of God!

Apart from physical healing, their ministry has brought many victories, breakthroughs and miracles to families and individuals in in many areas. All the glory, honour and praise belong to God the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit!

To God be the glory!